Section title: News

X12's Winter 2021 Officer Election

Since the Winter 2021 standing meeting will be conducted virtually, elections for all officer positions expiring at the end of the Winter 2021 standing meeting will follow the process established for the Fall 2020 standing meeting. This election process ensures:

  • Consistency between groups, so that member representatives and materially interested non-members alike understand the process and recognize it as reasonable and fairly administered.
  • Preservation of voter privacy in elections. X12’s corporate policy requires that electoral votes be anonymous so there is no chance of coercion or retaliation based on the election results.
  • Appropriate notice so that all qualified candidates have the opportunity to express interest in running for a position. 

The Process

All positions filled during this election cycle are for a 2-year term beginning on February 4, 2021 and ending after the Winter 2023 standing meeting concludes. 

If you’d like to be considered for any of the officer positions listed below, review the qualifications listed on the online application form to be sure you meet the qualifications established for the position. If you meet the qualifications, submit the online application form before 5 PM Eastern Time on Friday, January 8, 2021. All those interested in running for an officer position, including incumbents, must submit an application to be considered for the candidate slate. 

After the application period closes, applications will be vetted based on corporate and committee policies to ensure the applicant is qualified to run for the position. If there are two or more qualified candidates for a position, the position will be filled via a 24-hour electronic meeting ballot conducted on Monday January 25, 2021. If there are no qualified candidates for a seat it will not be filled. If one qualified candidate is running unopposed for a seat, the candidate will be considered via a general consent action of the applicable subcommittee.  

All results will be announced before the conclusion of the Winter 2021 standing meeting.  

Open Positions 

The following ASC groups will conduct chair, vice-chair, or co-chair elections during the Winter 2021 Standing Meeting: 

  • X12F - Finance: Vice-chair
  • X12I - Transportation: Vice-chair
  • X12N - Insurance: Chair and Vice-chair
    • TGA WG4 - Procedural Review & Education: Chair
    • TGB WG2 - Claims, Encounters, & Attachments: Co-chair
    • TGB WG7 - P&C Policy Administration: Co-chair
    • TGB WG10 - Services Review: Co-chair
    • TGB WG16 - Enrollment and Premium Payment: Co-chair
    • TGC WG2 - RFI: Co-chair
    • TGC WG4 - Technical Design: two Co-chairs

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