Organizations may on occasion wish to produce artifacts which contain a limited number of exact quotes of X12 copyrighted products. These artifacts must adhere to U.S. Copyright laws and X12 IP policies.
This section outlines the requirements for citing, or exactly quoting, X12 copyrighted content in an artifact. These requirements supplement, but do not replace or overrule, the associated copyrights and X12's Fair Use statement. Artifacts must conform to these restrictions to avoid infringing on X12 copyrights and related intellectual property rights.
Artifacts may also include information that is unrelated to X12 copyrighted content, X12 has no jurisdiction over that portion of the artifact and does not review that information during an IP Review.
Citation Format
The basic style below is adapted from the Modern Language Association (MLA) Style Manual and by convention includes line breaks and an indent for each successive line:
Author Name. "Title: Subtitle, Figure number,
if appropriate, Segment ID - Name, if appropriate."
Title of Book, identifier.
Publisher, Date of publication. <URL>. Page Number(s) [if applicable].
If someone wants to reproduce figure 1.1 of 006020X258, the choices are:
Place a footnote reference number in relation to the reproduced figure and place the following as the footnote, or place the following directly below the figure:
Accredited Standards Committee X12, Insurance Subcommittee, X12N. "1.4.1 Information Flows, Fig. 1.1." Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835), 006020X258. X12 Incorporated, June 2012. <>. 3.
Or place in-line with the text an abbreviated citation:
The 835 presents an "Information Flow" figure, reproduced below, illustrating the flow of information from payer to payee (006020X258 1).
The style above requires that a works-cited list be created and placed at the end of the document. Each citation is assigned a number. In the example above, the 1 refers to the first citation in the list; which appears in the works cited list like this:
1. Accredited Standards Committee X12, Insurance Subcommittee, X12N. "1.4.1 Information Flows, Fig. 1.1." Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835), 006020X258. X12 Incorporated, June 2012. <>. 3.
A span of page numbers is appropriate when the quoted material is on consecutive pages. For example, to refer to the payer business contact information segment:
Accredited Standards Committee X12, Insurance Subcommittee, X12N. "PER – Payer Business Contact Information." Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835), 006020X258. X12 Incorporated, June 2012. <>. 94-96.