Section title: X12 EDI Examples


Disclaimers that apply to all examples

Examples presented here are intended to be educational and do not supersede or override the requirements for associated X12 Standards including transaction sets, implementation guides (TR3s), schema or any other official X12 product.

If there is any discrepancy between these examples and the underlying X12 product from which it is derived, the underlying X12 product is the definitive source of truth.

All examples are based on fictional individuals and de-identified information.

Disclaimer that applies to internal examples

Examples posted here are the intellectual property of  X12 and cannot be reproduced or recreated without the express consent of ASC X12. Properly cited links to this site may be used to refer trading partners or other interested parties to these examples.

Disclaimer that applies to external examples

Although, X12 has reviewed the examples presented on this page, the accuracy of these examples contributed by external submitters is the responsibility of the external submitter, not of X12.

Examples posted here cannot be reproduced or recreated without the express consent of X12. Properly cited links to this site may be used to refer trading partners or other interested parties to these examples.