Section title: Requests for Interpretation
270 2100D INS

We have received conflicting requests from our customers on when the 270 2100D INS segment is to be sent.

If all of the Primary Search criteria are present, we are not sending the INS in the dependent loop. The TR3 says it is required when the information receiver believes it is necessary to identify for an Alternative Search Option. But because all of the Primary Search Criteria are present in the transaction, we are not sending this.

Are we doing this correctly, or do we need to flexibility to allow this to be sent even if the Primary Search Criteria are all present (to meet the "if the information receiver believes it is necessary to identify...." type of statement.

RFI Response

You are correct in sending a 270 transaction without an INS segment when using the Primary Search Option. Sending a 2100D INS segment in addition to the Primary Search Option elements is prohibited in the 005010X279 TR3.

The situational rule on the 2100D INS segment reads "Required when the information receiver believes it is necessary to identify for an Alternate Search Option supported by the Information Source (See Section 1.4.8) the dependent’s relationship to the insured and/or the birth sequence of the dependent in the case of multiple births with the same birth date. If not required by this implementation guide, do not send."
