TR3 for 824 transaction, version 006020X257, has loop 2000 "Original Transaction Identification" listed with repeat of 1.
What is the suggested/recommended way to reject just some business units out of incoming transaction? Is it to create a separate 824 transaction for each BU?
For example, 837 transaction has 10 claims, 2 of which need to be rejected. Or 275 transaction has 10 attachments, 2 of which need to be rejected.
When reporting on multiple business units, the OTI loop is used to report the accepted, rejected, or partially accepted transaction set. The 2100 loop can repeat to report individual errors or warnings and their associated business unit. Use of the RED06 and the associated Insurance Business Process Application Error Codes, allow for reporting and differentiation between errors and warnings. TR3 note 1 in the TED segment advises that an error represents a rejection or a warning that does not indicate a rejection.
Related RFIs: 1759
The 277CA should be used when acknowledging 837 transactions. It is not recommended to use the 824 when acknowledging 837 transactions. Use of the 824 is recommended for non-837 transactions.