The 834 2300 REF segment can repeat 14 times. There are 14 REF01 qualifiers that are available.
Does this mean that each qualifier can be used one time each, accounting for the 14? Or is it possible for one qualifier to be repeated numerous times?
Trading partner is sending multiple REF*ZZ segments within the 2300 loop:
The TR3 does not explicitly prohibit repeating a qualifier for a segment within the same repeating loop, however it is not a recommend usage. Using the same qualifier to present different data, receivers may not know which repetition of the data to use and/or that data may actually be overlaid as subsequent repetitions of the qualifier are processed. Please refer to a similar RFI # 2472 for additional guidance.
Related RFIs: 1838, 2069, 2472
If this is a functionality that is needed for your business and not currently supported in a published TR3, please submit an X12 maintenance request at