Section title: Requests for Interpretation
835 Order of Segments

Does it matter in which order the Entity Identifier Code appears when there are multiple lines of the same segment?

For example, 835's are being received with NM1*TT prior to NM1*QC even though the ASC X12 Standards for Electronic Data Interchange (835) Technical Report Type 3 reports the 'QC' several NM1 segments before the 'TT'.

Is the carrier in compliance?

Thank you for your time.

RFI Response

This issue is explicitly addressed in TR3 005010X221A1. All of the NM1 segments in Loop ID 2100 have a segment position of 0300. Therefore, all of these business uses of this NM1 segment are at the same logical
location position within the transaction set, and the relative order of their occurrence within a specific 835 transaction does not matter is not significant to transaction content. A different order Any order of segments at the same
logical position within a TR3 is compliant with the TR3.
