Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Language Characters in 837

Producing an 837 transaction set, we are restricted to the characters listed in either the basic or extended characters sets. Neither set allows characters like Ñ (ANSI character 209) or Ú (character 218) to appear. I am curious to know if X12 has any recommendation for producers of 837s (or other similarly restricted transaction sets) when they encounter a name like PEÑA. Should we strip the character and send PEA? Should we translate the character and send PENA? The concern with either of these options is producing a result that differs from the value in the receiver's system, leading to rejection or misinterpretation. Any guidance on this topic would be appreciated.

RFI Response

In response to the question can I send a Ñ or Ú, no, these characters cannot be sent in this version of the X12 Standard.  

RFI Recommendation

It is recommended that you send the equivalent character without the diacritical marks.  E.g. PEÑA would be sent as PENA.