Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Clarify tooth info in 837P K3

We are looking for further clarification on RFI 1065 regarding the situational rules for using the K3 segment in the 837P.  We have the following questions: 1) Does the workaround apply to the entire health care industry, or is the intended workaround only applicable to Minnesota? 2) If it applies to the entire health care industry, should a clarification be made that use of the K3 segment to report tooth information must be agreed upon by trading partners? We realize that version 7030 has provided for a new TOO segment in the 837P to report tooth information but until that is adopted we are looking for clarification on the above items.

RFI Response

Any requested use of the K3 segment must be brought to ASC X12 for formal approval of that use. The legislative mandates of the State of Minnesota were brought to ASC X12 for approval of the K3 segment to report tooth information in versions 4010 and 5010 of the Professional 837. However, any approved usage of the K3 segment is not restricted to only the specific legislation that identified an Industry need. Any approved usage of the K3 segment applies to any exchange of the transactions. ASC X12 does not comment on agreements between willing Trading Partners unless an agreement contradicts any usage requirements of an ASC X12 TR3.
