Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Ranges in TRN02 for 820

We have accounts where we need to remit large amount of payments in numerous checks which results in multiple check trace numbers.

We wanted to get clarification if entering a range of check numbers in the TRN02 on the 820 transactions, for example TRN02 = "111-678" would be allowed.

Are check number ranges allowed on the TRN02?

RFI Response

No, in the 005010X218 the TRN02 is the “Check or EFT Trace Number”. It represents a single payment whether that payment is made by a single check or Electronic Funds Transfer. A separate 820 would need to be sent for each individual payment.

RFI Recommendation

If you have a business need not supported in a published TR3, you may submit an ASC X12 change request for consideration in a future version of the TR3. Change requests are submitted at
