Section title: Requests for Interpretation
EB01=S Usage

Please describe the intended usage of 2110C/D EB01=S (Prior Year(s) History) in the 005010X279 271, including the additional data elements and segments that are to be returned in the 2110. If possible, provide examples.

RFI Response

After researching this with the workgroup who oversees the maintenance of the 270/271, they indicated there was no specific intention regarding the use of the value in EB01 (S Prior Year(s) History); however it can be used by the Information Source to report “something” in prior year(s), generically, like a benefit amount and or a quantity tied to some Service Type Code. The data elements and related segments depend on the circumstances of each usage and may vary case by case. It can be used in addition to the minimum 271 requirements at the Information Source’s discretion as their business need identifies.
