Section title: Requests for Interpretation
005010X218 820 - BPR02

In our business, we send 820 transaction with BPR01 = I, BPR04 = NON.
The amount limit of BPR02 is 10 which is 8 digits for the whole number, and 2 digits for decimal number.
With the cost increase in the industry, we hit the check with amount over 100,000,000.xx. Our translator was interrupted because it is non compliance.
We understand that the ACH requires the amount as stated above but we don't send ACH. If we split the amount so BPR02 is under the amount limit, it can cause the issue because of the same check number.
Please advise what is other options?
Also, in new version 7030, could this issue be considered to have a different rule between payment and non-payment?
Huong Vo

RFI Response

BPR02 contains the total premium dollar amount. TRN02 contains the check or EFT Trace Number for the payment amount sent in BPR02.

While ACH has a system limitation of 11 digits, including the decimal point, Appendix B. Decimal, identifies that under HIPAA, Data Element 782 decimal data elements have a maximum length of 10 characters, including reported or implied cents.

RFI Recommendation

If you have a business need not supported in a published TR3, you may submit an ASC X12 change request for consideration in a future version of the TR3. Change requests are submitted at
