Section title: Requests for Interpretation
BHT03 field length in claims

Hello - I am wondering if anyone can illuminate the reason why BHT03 is limited to 30 characters in the 837P and 837I transactions, where 50 characters is allowed in other transactions?

We have used an identifier that is >30 characters in other transactions & this is not transferrable to claims (hence the question). Thank you.

RFI Response

It appears the element note, "This field is limited to 30 characters", that restricts the size of the BHT03 to 30 characters was a transitional carry over from version 4010 Implementation Guides. It has been carried forward from version to version.

RFI Recommendation

In the course of this RFI review, the ASC X12 Insurance Subcommittee (X12N) acknowledges that changes are needed to future 837 TR3s for consistency across transactions. A change request will be submitted by X12N to modify future TR3s to address this issue.
