Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Loop 2300 usage (5010-837P)

We have an issue with a small payer that accepts 5010 837 files, but refuses to allow more than 8 diagnosis codes in the 'HI' segment in loop 2300 of 837P files. According to my interpretation of the 005010X222 spec, the allowance for diagnosis codes is 12. If my interpretation is correct, how can I "force" the payer to accept more than 8?

RFI Response

The Situational usage rule of the HI02 – HI12 reads: “Required when it is necessary to report an additional diagnosis and the preceding HI data elements have been used to report other diagnoses. If not required by this implementation guide, do not send”. If this condition is met for up to 11 additional diagnosis codes, then a total of 12 diagnosis codes must be sent including the required principle principal diagnosis in HI01. The determination of "necessary" is made by the submitter.

RFI Recommendation

ASC X12 does not govern the receiver's actions when receiving a transaction. For X12’s position on handling a transaction that is not compliant with the specified implementation guide, see RFI 1512.

Rejection of a transaction that is compliant with a HIPAA mandated implementation guide is a HIPAA Policy Issue and cannot be addressed by ASC X12. This issue needs to be sent to the Office of E-Health Standards and Services (OESS).
