Section title: Requests for Interpretation
278 2000FService Types

On a single 278 must each repeat of the 2000F service level loop contain the same type of service or can type of service be mixed within the transaction if all services are linked to the same episode of care. For example can the first 2000F contain a SV1 professional service and the second 2000F contain a SV2 institutional service line since most episodes of care involve both an institutional and a professional component.

RFI Response

The 005010X217 Technical Report Type 3 (TR3) allows multiple Service Level loops (2000F) for the Patient Event reported in Loop 2000E. This is true for both the 278 Request for Review and 278 Response. Guideline 3 in §1.12.4 Services Loop (2000F) states that any given valuation of loop ID 2000F may contain an SV1 or an SV2 [or an SV3] segment. Therefore, it is compliant with the TR3 to report both professional and institutional services for a single patient event.
