The ASC X12 835 Health Care Claim Payment Advice 0050X221A1 (835) does not support credit card payments. While the payer establishes the TRN02 value and could use a credit card number for the trace number, and the payment amount is appropriate in BPR02, the other necessary information is not supported. BPR16 is the Check Issue or EFT Effective date, and usage for an expiration date is a redefinition of the guide content and is prohibited. There is also no location for carrying a security code value. There is no BPR04 value that can be used for credit card types of payments. Note that while code "BOP" indicates "Financial Institution Option", that value is sent from the payer to their financial institution, after which the financial institution changes that code to reflect the actual payment method chosen. Code "BOP" is not a wild card for any payment method. Therefore, guide 005010X221 does not support any form of credit card payment. There is a change request under consideration for inclusion of credit card payments in a future guide for the 835.
Note: The ability to report credit card payments (VCC) in the 835, has been added to future versions of the TR3 835 guides.