Section title: Requests for Interpretation
835 5010 ST02 AN?

The ST02 attributes state AN (apha numeric) the usage notes clearly only state number and also mention that the number should increment. The notes vs the attributes are conflicting. Please advise if the ST02 can contain alpha's and if so does it need to contrain numeric. Also advise if the ST02 needs to increment. Please advise if this is compliant "ST*835*L25B9JXH!~" as we received this and rejected it. We only accept numeric.
While this was a specific inquiry for 835. The same question would apply to any Transaction.

RFI Response

The TR3 usage notes state the following:

The Transaction Set Control Numbers in ST02 and SE02 must be
identical. The originator assigns the Transaction Set Control
Number, which must be unique within a functional group (GS-GE).
This unique number also aids in error resolution research.

After review of both the standard and the TR3 notes, the data stream as presented in your RFI is compliant with both the standard and the TR3. Please note the TR3 does not state the that only a number may be sent nor that it should increment. Additionally, numbers can be represented alphanumerically.
