Section title: Requests for Interpretation
situational rule usage

I need to know the interpretation of a situational rule regarding LUI segment of 2100A loop of 834 transaction.

There is a situational rule for LUI03 which states:
"Required if the sender is unable to code the necessary language identification in LUI01 and LUI02. If not required by this implementation guide, do not send."

We are validation the transaction till HIPAA level 4 edits.So considering the situational rule and that we are on HIPAA level 4, then what should happen with the following LUI segment (should we reject it with 999 or accept it):


Our understanding is that we should reject it as LUI03 is present and it should not be as LUI01 and LUI02 are present.

Please suggest !!!

RFI Response

As stated in your request, the situational rule on the 2100A loop LUI03 reads "Required if the sender is unable to code the necessary language identification in LUI01 and LUI02. If not required by this implementation guide, do not send." Therefore, the sample segment provided (LUI*LE*EN*ENGLISH) is not consistent with the guide instructions and situational rule.

See RFI # 1512 for guidance on acceptance versus rejection of transactions.

Note - while the example uses English as the language, an LUI segment is prohibited identifying English, per the segment situational rule.

RFI Recommendation

Prior related RFI 1512
