Section title: Requests for Interpretation
834, 2100G qualifier

Loop 2100G Responsible Person can be repeated up to 13 times. Element NM101 provides 13 different codes that an be used. Is it compliant with the TR3 to reuse same qualifier multiple times in different instances of loop 2100G? For example can a member have 2 responsible persons with code 6Y?

RFI Response

The TR3 is silent on this, but the principles of X12 syntax allow for the use of a qualifier one time within the allowed number of repeats unless otherwise explicitly identified how multiple occurrences of the same qualifier are differentiated by the receiver. In this case, the loop can repeat 13 times and there are 13 qualifiers available for use. If a receiver can only accommodate one case manager but is sent two, there is nothing to identify which is the correct one to load.
