Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Missing Loop 2310F?

Upon review of the 298.pdf Post Adjudication Implementation Guide it appears that Loop 2310F AMBULANCE DROP-OFF LOCATION is not present in the most recently published guide. Loop 2310E AMBULANCE PICK-UP LOCATION is present. Was it omitted for a reason, or should this be present in the guide? Thank you.

RFI Response

You are correct that loop 2310E is used while loop 2310F is not used in the 005010X298 Post Adjudicated Claims Data Reporting: Professional (837) Technical Report Type 3 (TR3). This is intentional.

The draft version of this TR3 did not use either loop 2310E or 2310F. During the public review, a commenter asked that the Ambulance Pick-Up Location (loop 2310E) be included. The ASC X12 work group responded to this request and added loop 2310E. There were no comments concerning loop 2310F and it was not added.

RFI Recommendation

If you have a business need to report Ambulance Drop-Off Location, you may submit an ASC X12 change request to add this loop to a future version of the TR3. Change requests are submitted at
