Section title: Requests for Interpretation
835/820 combined useage

Is it appropriate to use the 835 to make payment for capitation payments and use the 820 to report the detail information for the people? Our system currently makes capitation payments using the 835 (payments shown in the PLB segment). It uses the 820 to report the individuals and their associated capitation payment and/or adjustments. The dollars reported at the detail in the 820 are totaled. That total is reported in the BPR02. The BPR04 is shown as "NON" for "Non-Payment Data". All 're-association" for payment is included in the 835 BPR segment.

RFI Response

It is appropriate to use the 835 to make capitation payments. This is described in guide 005010X221 in section (Capitation and Related Payments or Adjustments). That section also states "The 835 does not contain the capitation details or membership roster. Use an associated Eligibility and Benefits Notification Transaction set (271) to communicate these details."

The 820 guide referenced with this RFI is 005010X218, where section 1.1, states "The Payroll Deduction and Other Group Premium Payment....for the purpose of reporting payroll deducted and other group premiums." It is not appropriate to use this guide to report the people (capitation roster) as that is not consistent with the stated purpose. A capitation list is not a premium payment.

The recommended transaction to use for a capitation roster is the ASC X12 Eligibility, Coverage or Benefit Information (271) transaction. TR3 005010X205 covers this business usage of the 271, and is in development for publication at this time. Guide 004010X040 (271 Unsolicited Health Care Eligibility/Benefit Roster) is published and available.
