Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Multiple TA1's per interchange

n X231A1 – Implementation Acknowledgement for Health Care Insurance (999) there is no segment repeat given for the TA1 segment. And I found mention in the description of RFI 1497 issuing multiple TA1’s for a single interchange. The response to these RFI's did not take issue with that aspect of the question. I note, however, that when discussing the TA1, the implementation guide always references it in the singular. So is it proper and/or necessary and/or allowed to report all errors found with the interchange by issuing possibly multiple TA1’s for the same interchange, or are we supposed to issue just one TA1 for the interchange and report the first error that is found?

RFI Response

It is acceptable but not required to issue more than 1 TA1 for a given interchange for the purpose of reporting multiple errors. The definition of the TA1 found within X12.5 Interchange control standards is silent on the number of TA1s to be returned for a single interchange. With regard to your reference of 005010X231, the addenda removed the repeat designation for the TA1, allowing for more than one TA1 to be returned. While the technical report may reference 'the TA1' this does not preclude the receiver from sending more than one. The sender of the interchange may designate that their acknowlegement preference to either receive or not receive a TA1. If the sender does not request the TA1 it must not be sent. Additionaly, it would be semantically incorrect to send more than one TA1 with differing acceptance levels. For example, the first TA1 for a interchange accepts the interchange and the second TA1 rejects.
