Section title: Requests for Interpretation
271 N404 Country Code

At issue in the 5010X279 TR3 271 2100C loop N404 Country Code,2 is it permissible to send a country code of “US” when in fact the N402 is a valid U.S. state and the N403 is a U.S. postal code?
SITUATIONAL RULE: Required when the address is outside the United States of America. If not required by this implementation guide, do not send.

RFI Response

No, it would not be permissible to send a country code of “US” in the 2100C N404 element. The 005010X279/00501X279A1 TR3/Errata Situational Rule states “Required when the address is outside the United States of America. If not required by this implementation guide, do not send.” Since the TR3 prohibits sending a value in N404 when not required by the implementation guide, it would be considered non-compliant with the requirements of the TR3 to populate N404 with any value (including, but not limited to, “US”) when the address is not outside the United States of America.
