Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Credit card payment in the 835

We are considering using credit card payments to make claim payments. If we do that, what code would be in the BRP04 (Payment Method Code) segment of the 835? According to a previous RFI, this the credit card payment is not supported by ASC X12 004010X091A1. I also looked into the ASC X12 005010X221 guidelines which also doesn't support credit card payments.

RFI Response

As noted, the ASC X12 005010X221 835 guide does not support credit card payments to providers. In order to consider supporting credit cards as a payment mechanism in a future guide, a business case with additional information would need to be submitted to the workgroup through a DSMO request or change request. The form can be accessed at In the meantime, EFTs are encouraged as they are supported by the guide and operating rules.

Note: The ability to report credit card payments (VCC) in the 835, has been added to future versions of the TR3 835 guides.
