Section title: Requests for Interpretation
999 for Decryption Issues

Can you please tell on what scenarios, the following values can be used in a 999:
Transaction Set Acknowledgment Code (IK501) = X (Rejected, Content After Decryption Could Not Be Analyzed) and Functional Group Acknowledge Code (AK901) = X (Rejected, Content After Decryption Could Not Be Analyzed).

We have a X12 837 EDI file failing for decryption and we need to notify the claim submitter. Can the 999 can be issued for decryption issues? or the 999 is purely intended for DATA in the X12 837 EDI file?

RFI Response

Per your question, what scenarios the following values could reference with regards in implementing a 999.

Transaction Set Acknowledgment Code (IK501) = X (Rejected, Content After Decryption Could Not Be Analyzed) and Functional Group Acknowledge Code (AK901) = X (Rejected, Content After Decryption Could Not Be Analyzed).

These codes would be utilized only when encryption/decryption using the X12.58 Security Structures are utilized in connection with EDI implementation. When using X12.58 either the entire functional group or individual transaction sets are encrypted within the interchange. If the individual transaction set had the decryption error, the IK501 would be the appropriate data element. If the functional group had the decryption error, the AK901 would be the appropriate data element. X12 does not support encryption of an interchange or of a file containing one or more interhanges.

Per your second question,this would be correct if only the functional group has been encrypted/decrypted. If the entire interchange is corrupted, the 999 would not be the appropriate acknowledgement.
