Section title: Requests for Interpretation
BPR informational only

Is it compliant to have a BPR01 = H, a BPR04 = NON and a BPR02 greater than zero. The guide does not specifically say that BPR02 must be zero when BPR01 is H.

We have a need to allow the BPR, informational only (BPR01 = H with BPR03 = NON) to contain the total claim payment amounts added together.

RFI Response

Per the explicit rules of the TR3, it is not permissable to have a combination of BPR02 = greater then zero dollars / BPR01 = H / BPR04 = NON. For BPR01 value of 'H' (Notification Only) the guide states, "Use this code when the actual provider payment (BPR02) is zero and the transaction is not being used for Prenotification of Future Transfers. This indicates remittance information without any associated payment."
