Section title: Requests for Interpretation
278 Response AAA errors

When we detect errors that prevent a definitive determination to an authorization request, we would like to respond with all the errors we have detected. Is this allowed? Specifically, we are questioning whether the TR3 prohibits responding with AAA segments at multiple levels. For example, we would like to return 2010B/AAA segment indicating Invalid/Missing Provider Phone Number and in the same response return 2000E/AAA segments indicating Invalid/Missing Admission Date & Invalid/Missing Diagnosis Code.

Our concern is with the situational rule for 2000E/HL that says "Required when the UMO system processed any of the information contained in loop 2000E of the request. If not required by this implementation guide, do not send." Does detecting errors satisfy the requirement that we have "processed" information in the loop?

RFI Response

Yes, identifying errors at multiple levels is certainly allowed. The 278 transaction is flexible enough to allow entities whose systems can respond at multiple levels to do so.
