Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Insurance TR3 and Rejections

There have been many questions about when it is allowable or required that a receiver reject a transaction that does not fully comply with the governing ASC X12 Insurance Subcommittee TR3.

Under what circumstances MAY the receiver REJECT a transaction that does not fully comply with the governing the TR3?

Are there circumstances under which the receiver MUST REJECT a transaction that does not fully comply with the governing TR3?

Under what circumstances MAY the receiver ACCEPT a transaction that does not fully comply with the governing TR3?

Are there circumstances under which the receiver MUST ACCEPT a transaction that does not fully comply with the governing TR3?

RFI Response

ASC X12 does not govern the receiver's actions when receiving a transaction that is not compliant with the specified implementation guide. Section in TR3s published by the ASC X12 Insurance Subcommittee makes this clear with the statement "The receiver will handle non-compliant transactions based on its business process and any applicable regulations." 

All TR3s