Section title: Requests for Interpretation
SVD05 R Type = 1.0

Seeking X12 interpretation on how to deal with the R type such as 1.0, etc. Appendix B re decimals of TR3 Trailing zeros following the decimal point must be suppressed unless necessary to indicate precision. SVD*87726*0*HC:88305:26**1.0~ Similarly, would the 1.0 be an acceptable or unaceptable value in SV104?

RFI Response

Appendix B of the 5010X222A1 TR3 reads in part: “The decimal point always appears in the character stream if the decimal point is at any place other than the right end.” “Trailing zeros following the decimal point must be suppressed unless necessary to indicate precision.” Therefore, a quantity of 1.0 would be reported as 1 in the SV104.
