Section title: Requests for Interpretation
834 QTY Segment

In the new QTY segment, position QTY01, valid qualifiers are DT, ET, and TO. In reference to these quantifiers, to what do the counts specifically refer?

In a situation where a client sends the same individual multiple times on one file, does the count refer to the total number of records, thus counting each every entry? Or does it count total unique individuals, thus multiple records for a single individual are not counted?

RFI Response

Per the guide, "X12 Set Notes: 1. NOTE: The QTY segment is used to record the total number of subscribers and dependents in the transaction set." This is not intended to submit the total number of unique members on the file.
QTY02 where QTY01 = DT should identify the total number of INS 01 = N within a transaction set.
QTY02 where QTY01 = ET should identify the total number of INS01 = Y within a transaction set.
QTY02 where QTY01 = TO should identify the total number of INS01 submitted within the transaction set.
