Section title: Requests for Interpretation

Looking at the TR3.
In the loop 2000E we find that in 4010 we have a service provider level, with loop repeat >1. This is now deleted/relocated to another position in 5010, which is not clearly stated (that where is it now located in 5010)
5010 has 2000E which is about Patient Event level, with a loop repeat of only 1.

My question is if a 4010_278 Review have 3 service provider with 3 different services, then in 5010 how will the conversion be. Mean to say where will it be reflected. If we consider 5010_2000E as same as 4010_2000E then considering the loop repeat decreased from >1 to1, we might lose the information in conversion.

RFI Response

The 5010 version uses a different structure to handle the business based upon feedback from 4010 implementation. The 2000E loop supports different business functions between 4010 and 5010. The 5010 2000E can be utilized for provider identification as well as the 2000F. The 2000E loop identifies Providers associated with the Event while the 2000F loop allows for the explicit linking of a Service to a Service Provider. In 2000E there is the ability to identify up to 14 different Service Providers. In 2000F the repeat is ">1", which allows for unlimited Service to Service Provider linkages.

RFI Recommendation

From a mapping perspective for a Service Request, the 4010 2000EA (Service Provider) and 2000F (Service) could be mapped to the 5010 2000F (Service) and 2010 FA (Service Provider), respectively.
