Section title: Resources

ASC Subcommittee Officers Responsibilities and Criteria

< return to officer election announcement

Officer Qualifications

  1. A subcommittee officer must be a member representative of a For-Profit Organization, Non-profit Organization, Government Agency, or an Individual Member to be eligible to hold an elected office. The member representative of an Academic Associate, Honorary Associate (previously known as Member Emeritus), Reciprocal Associate, or Transitional Associate is not eligible to hold an elected office.   
  2. If a subcommittee has established stakeholder criteria, officers shall be a member representative on the roster of a subcommittee stakeholder.
  3. If a subcommittee has established constituent criteria, officers shall be a subcommittee constituent.
  4. If a subcommittee has not established specific constituent criteria, officers shall be a member representative on the roster of an ASC stakeholder.
  5. To ensure a balanced representation of stakeholders between and within the subcommittees,
    1. Each ASC stakeholder may have only one member representative serving as an ASC subcommittee officer at any given time.
    2. An individual shall not simultaneously serve as a subcommittee officer in more than one ASC subcommittee.


Officer Restrictions

  1. A subcommittee chair shall not simultaneously serve in another position within the subcommittee; except that a subcommittee chair may serve as the subcommittee’s PRB or X12J representative if no other constituent is qualified and willing to serve.
  2. A subcommittee vice-chair shall not simultaneously serve in another elected position within the subcommittee.
  3. A subcommittee vice-chair shall not simultaneously serve in an appointed position within the subcommittee except at the request of the subcommittee chair when no other constituent is qualified and willing to serve.


Chair Responsibilities

  1. Overseeing the subcommittee's activities and work product development
  2. Defining vision, strategy, and tactics for the subcommittee as necessary to advance the subcommittee's goals and X12 organizational goals
  3. Ensuring the subcommittee's activities align with the approved purpose and scope for the group
  4. Preparing subcommittee meeting agendas
  5. Calling and presiding at subcommittee meetings, the chair shall determine the order of business and has the authority to establish rules for the conduct of the meeting to the extent that such rules do not conflict with organizational policies and procedures
  6. Ensuring due process is followed regarding motions, voting items, and appropriate consideration of all suggestions, recommendations, requests, and maintenance items
  7. Representing the subcommittee on the ASC Steering committee, including consistent participation at Steering meetings and in Steering discussions to ensure that the subcommittee's interests are represented
    1. Ensuring the vice-chair attends Steering when the chair is absent
  8. Communicating Steering information to the subcommittee as appropriate
  9. Communicating on behalf of the subcommittee within X12
  10. Appointing or overseeing the election of X12J and PRB representatives as appropriate
  11. Establishing and disbanding task groups and work groups, including appointing initial conveners
  12. Appointing conveners as necessary to facilitate the work of the subcommittee
  13. Presiding over subcommittee officer elections, unless the chair is a candidate
  14. Presiding over elections for subordinate groups operating under the subcommittee
  15. Overseeing distribution of subcommittee work products not governed by the corporate CAP10 - Distribution of Materials policy
  16. Assigning duties as necessary to advance the subcommittee's work
  17. Supporting subcommittees consensus decisions within X12 and externally
  18. Consulting with the committee officers or staff regarding inquiries
  19. Ensuring the vice-chair and secretary duties are fulfilled in the event of a vacancy or absence
  20. Other duties as required to oversee the subcommittee's activities


Vice-chair Responsibilities

  1. Temporarily assuming the chair's duties in the absence of the chair
  2. Assuming the chair's duties upon resignation or removal of the chair
  3. Acting as the subcommittee's primary PRB representative unless the subcommittee's constitution establishes the primary PRB representative as an appointed or elected role within the subcommittee
  4. Other duties as required to support the subcommittee chair