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This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of a Student Educational Record (Transcript) Transaction Set (130) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The student transcript is used by schools and school districts and by post-secondary educational institutions to transmit current and historical records of educational accomplishments and other significant information for students enrolled at the sending schools and institutions. The transcript may be sent to other educational institutions, to other agencies, or to prospective or current employers.  

When a student transfers from one educational institution to another, it is essential that the student's prior educational record be made available to the institution to which the student wishes to transfer. For students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12, prompt records transfer will assist receiving schools in making an appropriate initial educational placement of student. It is important that this information be available on a timely basis. In some cases for post-secondary students, it is this record which determines whether the student will be accepted at the receiving institution. In all cases, it is important to know what course work the student has already completed so that the student may be properly placed in courses and educational programs at the next institution.  

When a student seeks employment or wishes to inform another agency of the student's academic accomplishments, the student transcript may be sent to a prospective employer, branch of the military, or another government agency.  

The student transcript contains personal history and identifying information about the student, the current academic status, dates of attendance, courses completed with grades earned, degrees and diplomas awarded, health information (Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 only), and testing information.

Student Educational Record (Transcript)