Section title: Requests for Interpretation
ICD10 in 837

Two questions about how to implement ICD10 in the 837:

1)I have a question about the HI segment in the 837 2300 loop. ICD9 codes are supposed to have no decimals included. Are we also supposed to remove the decimals for ICD10 codes?

2)ICD10 allows for 12 diagnosis codes. I have a question about the SV1 segment in the 2400 loop. The SV107 diagnosis code pointers references the HI segment. However there are only 4 slots available for diagnosis code pointers that reference HI when there are 12 diagnosis allowed. What are we supposed to do about the other 8?

RFI Response

Regarding question 1, the TR3 note on the HI segments define that decimal points are not transmitted for ICD codes since the decimal point is implied. This applies regardless of ICD code version.

Regarding question 2, twelve diagnosis codes are reportable in the 005010 837P. The 837P also currently only allows pointing to four diagnosis codes per service line in SV107. These remain the same, regardless of which ICD code version reported.
