Section title: Requests for Interpretation
Responsible Party Name Loop

We are in need of transmitting Guarantor's Personal Information in our outbound 837 to one of our TPAs. Since Loop 2010BB Credit Card and 2010BD Responsible Party segments are no longer in 5010, is there any other way or place in an 837 we can use to send this information.

References: 005010x223A2

RFI Response

Currently there is no place on the 837 transaction for this information. Based on requests from parties which required this information previously but no longer require it, work group discussion and public comments, the Responsible Party segments were removed in version 4050 and the Credit Card information was removed in version 5010.

Although ASC X12 was not able to obtain additional information from the submitter of this request for interpretation, it appears that transactions between payers and TPAs may still require the Responsible Party and Credit Card information. If that is the case, ASC X12 encourages any affected implementer to submit a change request with the specific business requirements and use cases for consideration via
