Section title: Requests for Interpretation
CN1 for non-HIPAA use

Can you provide a more in depth explanation on the CN1 and the following statement from the TR3?; 1. The developers of this implementation guide note that the CN1 segment is for use only for post-adjudicated claims, which do not meet the definition of a health care claim under HIPAA. Consequently, at the time of this writing, the CN1 segment is for non-HIPAA use only. If this is for Non-HIPAA use only why is it here? What are the conditions for non-HIPAA? Under what conditions would it be acceptable? 

RFI Response

X12 develops TR3's for Industry use. Health Care TR3's are intended to meet all of the needs of Industry, and there are several examples of Non-HIPAA usages in the TR'3's. It's after the TR3's are developed that they are adopted under HIPAA. The CN1 segment can only be used by willing Trading Partners for the Non-HIPAA-mandated exchange of post-adjudicated claims.
